
  • Jul 17, 2024

    Two papers accepted to IEEE Quantum Week 2024 (QCE’24), (1) Scalable quantum circuit cutting (up to 2000x cost reduction when compared with IBM Qiskit Circuit Knitting Toolbox, Arxiv link); (2) Benchmarking Optimizers for Qumode State Preparation (Arxiv link);

  • Mar 07, 2024

    Dr. Mao has been selected as a 2024 Google Cloud Research Innovator, the fourth cohort.

  • Feb 28, 2024

    Our project on Quantum Data Science and Resilient Quantum Learning System was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF Link).

  • Feb 14, 2024

    Our paper A Quantum-Classical Collaborative Training Architecture Based on Quantum State Fidelity was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE).

  • Dec 28, 2023

    Our paper Privacy and Integrity Protection for IoT Multimodal Data using Machine Learning and Blockchain was accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM).

  • Nov 01, 2023

    Two papers on Quantum Distributed Learning and Dependency-Aware Resource Management were accepted by IEEE Big Data 2023.

  • Sep 01, 2023

    After five years at Fordham University, Dr. Mao has been promoted to the tenured Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies at the Computer and Information Science Department.

  • Aug 30, 2023

    Our Experiential Learning Platform and Curricular Modules for Quantum Computing Security and Privacy Education project was funded by National Science Foundation. The NSF grant will support us explore the security and privacy research and education of quantum computing in the system level. NSF Link.

  • Aug 17, 2023

    Our Collaborative Optimization and Management for Quantum Computing project was funded by National Science Foundation. The NSF grant will support us develop a quantum-classical system that can collaboratively optimize iterative and parallel quantum applications. NSF Link.

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Our paper Cost-aware scheduling systems for real-time workflows in cloud: An approach based on Genetic Algorithm and Deep Reinforcement Learning was accepted by the ELSEVIER Expert Systems with Applications.

  • Jun 06, 2023

    Our Quantum-Classical Edge Computing project was funded by National Science Foundation. The NSF grant will support us develop a quantum-equipped Cloud-Edge collaborative computing framework for resource-constrained devices in cyber-physical systems. NSF Link.

  • Mar 15, 2023

    Our paper VENUS: A Geometrical Representation for Quantum State Visualization was accepted by the EuroVis 2023.

  • Mar 03, 2023

    Our paper Towards Network-aware Query Execution Systems in Large Datacenters was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.

  • Sep 01, 2022

    Our paper QuCNN: A Quantum Convolutional Neural Network with Entanglement Based Backpropagation was accepted by 2022 IEEE/ACM 7th Symposium on Edge Computing.

  • Aug 17, 2022

    Our paper Iterative Qubits Management for Quantum Index Searching in a Hybrid System was accepted by 41st IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC’22).

  • Jul 16, 2022

    Our paper VACSEN: A Visualization Approach for Noise Awareness in Quantum Computing was accepted by IEEE Visualization (VIS’22) and will be published on IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

  • Jun 30, 2022

    Our paper Pinpointing the System Reliability Degradation in NISQ Machines was accepted by 2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE’22).

  • Feb 07, 2022

    Our paper Differentiate Quality of Experience Scheduling for Deep Learning Inferences with Docker Containers in the Cloud was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.

  • Jan 14, 2022

    Our paper QuClassi: A Hybrid Deep Neural Network Architecture based on Quantum State Fidelity was accepted by Fifth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys’2022).

  • Nov 15, 2021

    Our paper Speculative Container Scheduling for Deep Learning Applications in a Kubernetes Cluster was accepted by IEEE Systems Journal.

  • Sep 28, 2021

    Our paper Deep Reinforcement Learning for Load-Balancing Aware Network Control in IoT Edge Systems was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

  • Aug 15, 2021

    Our quantum learning framework paper A hybrid system for learning classical data in quantum states was accepted by the 40th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC’21).

  • Jul 30, 2021

    Our quantum deep learning paper QuGAN: A Quantum State Fidelity based Generative Adversarial Network was accepted by IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE’21).

  • Jun 24, 2021

    The paper An Improved Wolf Pack Algorithm for Optimization Problems: Design and Evaluation was accepted by PLOS ONE.

  • Jun 03, 2021

    The paper Optimizing Internal Overlaps by Self-Adjusting Resource Allocation in Multi-Stage Computing Systems was accepted by The IEEE ACCESS.

  • Mar 10, 2021

    The paper TQEA: Temporal Quantum Error Analysis was accepted by The 17th IEEE Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic System Effects (SELSE 2021).

  • Jan 28, 2021

    Tri-State ExploreCSR website was online, link

  • Jan 13, 2021

    The paper Network-Aware Locality Scheduling for Distributed Data Operators in Data Centers was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

  • Oct 15, 2020

    Tri-State ExploreCSR project was funded by Google Research.

  • Oct 05, 2020

    The paper Quantum-Inspired Classical Algorithm for Principal Component Regression was accepted by The 2020 International Conference on Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning.

  • Aug 28, 2020

    Quantum machine learning project was funded by Google Cloud Platform.

  • Mar. 15, 2020
    MAC-layer rate control for 802.11 networks accepted by Springer Wireless Network.

  • Dec. 18, 2019
    A woa-based optimization approach for task scheduling in cloud computing systems was accepted by IEEE Systems Journal.

  • Oct. 10, 2019
    Progress-based Container Scheduling for Short-lived Applications in a Kubernetes Cluster authored with Fordham Students has been accepted to IEEE Big Data 2019. Congratulations to Yuqi Fu, Shaolun Zhang, and Jose Terrero.

  • Jul. 2, 2019
    Target-based Resource Allocation for Deep Learning Applications in a Multi-tenancy System authored with Fordham Students has been accepted to IEEE HPEC 2019. Congratulations to Wenjia Zheng, Yun Song, Zihao Guo, Yongcheng Cui and Suwen Gu.

  • May 23, 2019
    FlowCon: Elastic Flow Configuration for Containerized Deep Learning Applications authored with Fordham Students has been accepted to IEEE ICPP 2019. Congratulations to Wenjia Zheng, Mike Tynes and Henry Gorelick.`

  • May 12 2019
    One paper has been accepted to IEEE SmartData 2019

  • Apr. 15, 2019
    One paper has been accepted to IEEE SECON 2019

  • Apr. 10, 2019
    I have been awarded Fordham Faculty Research Grant.

  • Jan. 06, 2019
    I have been awarded Google Cloud Education Grant

  • Nov. 15, 2018
    I have been selected as the Fordham-IBM Research Fellow.

  • Oct. 10, 2018
    I have been awarded the Nvidia GPU Seed Grant.

  • Aug. 28, 2018
    New start at Fordham.